Your overseers have the lowest suicide and divorce rates in the kingdom. I wish I had a few of your overseers. They seem to be able to get things done. I love how your slaves seem to respect and admire your overseers. How do you work that? How do you get your overseers to meet their quotas without beating your slaves. Your overseers are such model citizens. Always polite and always professional. What's your secret? I need overseers who can do their job as well as yours. How do your overseers get your slaves to make quota without beating them. My overseers kill lots of slaves every year with beatings. Could I borrow a few of your overseers to teach mine the right way to get things done? Mine are always so nervous. Have you sent your overseers to management training courses? They look so professional and cool about everything. Your overseers seem relaxed and confident. I wish mine were like yours. Mine continually beat the slaves.